Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower!

Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower!

Are you looking for ways to enhance your board gaming experience? Look no further than Roll High’s 3D printed dice tower! This innovative product takes your game to the next level by providing a functional and aesthetically pleasing way to roll your dice.

The beauty of the Roll High dice tower lies not only in its sleek design but also in its ability to elevate your gameplay. With a sturdy structure and precision-crafted ramps, you’ll never have to worry about cheating or uneven rolls again. Plus, with its compact size, the tower is easy to transport, making it the perfect accessory for game nights and conventions.

But Roll High isn’t just about function; it’s about form as well. With a range of designs and customizations available, you can personalize your tower to match your personality and game style. Whether you’re a fantasy enthusiast, a sci-fi aficionado, or just someone who appreciates beautiful design, there’s a Roll High dice tower for you.

So, if you’re ready to elevate your game and impress your friends with your stylish and efficient rolling technique, check out Roll High’s 3D printed dice tower today!

3d Printed Dice Tower
“3d Printed Dice Tower” ~ bbaz

Comparison Blog Article about Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower!

Roll high in style with the Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower! A custom-made, 3D printed dice tower that adds an extra level of sophistication to any tabletop game. Are you considering adding this dice tower to your collection? In this article, we will compare handmade dice towers and the benefits of investing in a 3D printed dice tower.


Handmade vs. 3D Printed Dice Tower

The classic dice towers can be made from wood, plastic or metal. Creating a handmade dice tower can take several hours, with the finished product heavily dependent on the skill of the artisan. However, a 3D printer can quickly produce high-quality dice towers with precision and accuracy.

Accuracy and Precision

3D printed dice towers show how technology has progressed in terms of achieving accuracy and precision when it comes to detailed structures. With a 3D printed dice tower, you can expect perfect straight lines and well-calculated angles. Unlike handmade dice towers, you’re guaranteed a smooth and efficient gameplay experience.


Customization and Design

A key advantage of using 3D printers is their capability to swiftly create sophisticated designs that accurately capture creative ideas. As such, 3D printed dice towers are great for customization, allowing users to efficiently carry out their preferred design modifications or even modify the entire look of the tower at no added cost. This feature is not typically present in handmade dice towers.

Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower – By The Numbers

In comparing handmade dice towers and Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Towers, we’ve created a comparison table detailing the advantages of using 3D printed dice towers.

Handmade Dice Tower Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower
Time to Create Several Days A Few Hours
Quality Variable High
Price Expensive Affordable
Customization Limited Available


3D printed dice towers have several advantages, one of which being quality. The utilization of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) engineering in the 3D printing process enhances accuracy and precision, resulting in consistent and excellent quality dice towers. Roll High’s 3D printed dice towers offer an excellent gaming experience with smooth rolling action and a great appearance for any tabletop game.



The price of a dice tower is a significant consideration with handmade dice towers often on the expensive side. A 3D printer brings down costs and will produce high-quality dice towers at a fraction of the cost of a handmade product. Roll High’s dice towers are a good investment in a great product that promises to last long.


As previously mentioned, customization is an area in which 3D printed dice towers excel. Its quality production technique allows for complex design shapes and details stability not typically possible in handmade dice towers. This means 3D printed dice towers can be developed for shakers of different sizes and tastes.

Final Thoughts

Roll High’s Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower is a final word solution for those seeking sophisticated, customizable, and high-quality products without breaking the bank. 3D printing alters the game, producing finely detailed objects dramatically at low costs. If you desire an elevated tabletop gaming experience and unique dice solutions with a splash of style and customization, we highly recommend the Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower!

Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower!

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about Roll High and how it can elevate your gaming experience with a 3D printed dice tower. We hope that this article has given you valuable insight into the product and its capabilities.

Roll High is more than just a dice tower; it’s a game-changer that can help you take your game to the next level. With its customizable design and unparalleled quality, Roll High will revolutionize the way you play and add an element of excitement that you never thought possible.

So why wait? Elevate your game today with Roll High and see the difference for yourself. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just starting out, this innovative product will make a lasting impact on your gameplay and leave you wondering how you ever played without it.

People also ask about Roll High: Elevate your Game with 3D Printed Dice Tower!

  • What is Roll High?
  • Roll High is a Kickstarter campaign for a 3D printed dice tower that helps elevate your board game experience.

  • What makes Roll High different from other dice towers?
  • Roll High’s unique design allows for easy assembly and disassembly, making it convenient for travel. It also features customizable inserts to fit different types of dice.

  • How does the 3D printing process work?
  • Roll High uses FDM 3D printing technology to create each tower. The material used is PLA, which is environmentally friendly and biodegradable.

  • Can I paint or customize my Roll High dice tower?
  • Yes! The PLA material allows for easy painting and customization. You can also request a custom insert to fit your specific dice needs.

  • Is Roll High compatible with all board games?
  • Yes, Roll High can be used with any board game that requires dice rolling.