10 Effective Tips for Strong 3D Printer Bed Adhesion

10 Effective Tips for Strong 3D Printer Bed Adhesion

Are you struggling with bed adhesion when 3D printing? It can be frustrating to spend time and money on a project only to have it fail because the object doesn’t stick to the bed. But fear not, there are several tips and tricks you can use to ensure strong adhesion with your 3D printer.

Firstly, make sure the bed is level. A level bed ensures that the printer nozzle is at the correct distance from the bed, which is crucial for good adhesion. Secondly, clean the bed thoroughly before printing. Any oils or residue can negatively affect adhesion, so use rubbing alcohol or a specialized cleaner to remove any debris.

Another tip is to increase the temperature of the bed or add a raft to the print. A higher temperature allows for better adhesion, while a raft provides a larger surface area for the object to adhere to. Additionally, applying a layer of glue stick or hairspray to the bed can also improve adhesion.

Other factors to consider include using the correct bed material for the filament, adjusting the first layer height and speed, and ensuring the extruder is at the correct temperature. By following these tips and experimenting with different techniques, you can achieve strong and reliable bed adhesion in your 3D printing projects. Don’t give up, keep trying until you find what works best for you!

So, if you’re tired of failed prints due to poor bed adhesion, make sure to read this article. With our ten effective tips, you’re bound to improve your 3D printing experience and create better quality prints. Don’t miss out, check out our helpful guide now. Happy printing!

3d Printer Bed Adhesion
“3d Printer Bed Adhesion” ~ bbaz

Comparison: 10 Effective Tips for Strong 3D Printer Bed Adhesion


One of the essential aspects of 3D printing is ensuring that your object sticks to the printer bed throughout the printing process. Poor bed adhesion can lead to a failed print or misshapen object. However, several factors can affect successful bed adhesion. In this article, we will compare ten effective tips to achieve strong 3D printer bed adhesion.

Tip #1: Clean the Bed Surface

The presence of debris or residue on the bed surface can hinder bed adhesion. Before printing, make sure to clean the bed surface thoroughly. You can use isopropyl alcohol, acetone, or mild soap and water to remove grease or dirt.

Tip #2: Level the Bed

Bed leveling ensures that the bed surface is flat and even, resulting in consistent bed adhesion. Make sure to check the bed level before every print. You can use the auto-leveling feature or adjust the bed screws manually to ensure proper leveling.

Tip #3: Use Adhesion Aids

To improve bed adhesion, you can use adhesion aids such as hairspray, glue stick, or Kapton tape. These aids create a temporary bond between the bed surface and the printed object.

Tip #4: Adjust First Layer Settings

The first layer is crucial to bed adhesion. Adjust your printer’s first layer settings, such as speed, height, and temperature, to ensure proper adhesion.

Tip #5: Print with a Raft

A raft creates a sturdy base for your printed object and improves bed adhesion. When printing with a raft, make sure to adjust your printer settings to accommodate the additional layer.

Tip #6: Increase Bed Temperature

Increasing the bed temperature can improve bed adhesion, especially when working with materials such as ABS or Nylon. However, higher temperatures can also lead to warping, so make sure to find the right temperature balance.

Tip #7: Use a Heated Chamber

A heated chamber can help with bed adhesion, especially for large objects or materials that warp easily. A heated chamber regulates the temperature and prevents drafts that can affect bed adhesion.

Tip #8: Print Slowly

Printing too quickly can affect bed adhesion, as it does not allow the material to bond properly with the bed surface. Slow down your printer’s speed to ensure proper adhesion.

Tip #9: Use a Brim

A brim creates a wider base for your printed object and improves bed adhesion. When using a brim, make sure to adjust your printer settings to accommodate the additional layers.

Tip #10: Experiment with Different Materials

Not all materials have the same bed adhesion properties. Experiment with different materials to find the ones that work best for your printer and application.


Achieving strong 3D printer bed adhesion requires careful consideration of various factors. By implementing these ten tips, you can improve the overall quality of your prints and reduce the risk of failed prints. Experiment with different techniques and find the ones that work best for your printer and application.

10 Effective Tips for Strong 3D Printer Bed Adhesion

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post regarding 10 Effective Tips for Strong 3D Printer Bed Adhesion. We hope that our article has provided you with valuable information and insights on how to achieve better bed adhesion for your 3D prints.

We understand that bed adhesion is a common problem among 3D printing enthusiasts, especially those who are just starting out. However, with the right techniques and tools, achieving a strong bed adhesion can be done easily.

Remember that proper bed adhesion is crucial in producing high-quality 3D prints. It ensures that your prints are securely attached to the printing surface, preventing any chance of warping, shifting or peeling off. Implement these tips on your next 3D print project, and you will surely see a noticeable improvement in the quality of your prints.

Once again, thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that it has been helpful in your 3D printing journey. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Also, don’t forget to share this article with your fellow 3D printing enthusiasts.

As 3D printing becomes more and more popular, the importance of strong bed adhesion cannot be overstated. If your prints don’t stick to the bed properly, they can warp, shift, or even fail entirely. Here are ten effective tips for achieving strong 3D printer bed adhesion:

  1. Level your Print Bed: Make sure your print bed is level and even before starting any print job. A warped or uneven bed will make it difficult for the filament to adhere properly.
  2. Clean Your Bed Surface: Ensure that your print bed surface is clean and free of debris. Wipe it down with rubbing alcohol or acetone to remove any oils or dirt that may affect adhesion.
  3. Use Adhesive: Apply a thin layer of adhesive to your print bed surface. This can be in the form of glue stick, hairspray, or specialty adhesives such as BuildTak or PEI sheets.
  4. Print with a Raft: If you’re having trouble with bed adhesion, try printing with a raft. This creates a larger surface area for the print to adhere to, giving it a better chance of sticking.
  5. Slow Down Your Print Speed: Printing too fast can cause the filament to pull away from the bed. Slowing down your print speed can help the filament adhere more effectively.
  6. Use a Brim: A brim is a thin layer of filament that is printed around the base of your model. This can help increase the surface area of your print and improve adhesion.
  7. Adjust Your First Layer Height: Make sure your first layer height is set correctly. If it’s too high, the filament won’t stick to the bed properly. If it’s too low, it will press into the bed too much and affect the quality of your print.
  8. Use a Heated Bed: Printing on a heated bed can help improve adhesion. A heated bed can also help prevent warping and shrinkage of your prints.
  9. Print with a Skirt: A skirt is a thin line of filament printed around the outside of your print. This can help prime the nozzle and improve bed adhesion before printing your actual model.
  10. Use the Right Bed Material: Different bed materials have different properties, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Glass, aluminum, and BuildTak are all popular options that can provide strong bed adhesion.